
Showing posts from March, 2023

Introduction to Lambdas in Java

Lambdas are a powerful addition to the Java language, introduced in Java 8, that allow developers to write more concise and readable code by representing functionality as a method argument or code block. In this post, we'll provide a complete introduction to lambdas in Java, including what they are, how they work, and some common use cases. What are Lambdas? In Java, a lambda expression is a short block of code that represents a method implementation. Lambdas provide a concise way to write code that can be passed around as a method argument or stored in a variable. Lambdas are often used in functional programming to represent behavior as data. Here's an example of a lambda expression in Java: Function<Integer, Integer> square = x -> x * x; This code defines a lambda expression that takes an integer as input, squares it, and returns the result. The lambda is assigned to a variable of type Function<Integer, Integer> , which represents a function that takes an

Streams in Java

Streams are a powerful addition to the Java language, introduced in Java 8, that allow developers to easily process collections of data in a functional, declarative manner. In this post, we'll provide a complete introduction to Java streams, including what they are, how they work, and some common use cases. What are Java Streams? In Java, a stream is a sequence of elements that can be processed in parallel or sequentially. Streams are a high-level abstraction that allow developers to easily apply functional transformations to collections of data, without having to worry about the underlying implementation details. Streams are different from traditional Java collections in several ways. Unlike collections, streams don't store data, and they don't have a specific order or size. Instead, streams provide a pipeline of operations that can be applied to a source of data, such as a list or array. Streams can be created from a variety of sources, including collections, arrays,

Loop in Java

A loop is a programming structure that allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly. This is useful for tasks that need to be performed multiple times, such as iterating through a list of items or printing a table of numbers. There are three main types of loops in Java: for loops, while loops, and do-while loops. For loops iterate over a fixed range of values. For example, the following for loop will iterate over the numbers from 1 to 10: for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { System.out.println(i); } While loops continue to execute as long as a condition is true. For example, the following while loop will iterate as long as the variable `i` is less than 10: int i = 1; while (i < 10) { System.out.println(i); i++; } Do-while loops are similar to while loops, but the condition is checked at the end of the loop instead of at the beginning. int i = 1; do { System.out.println(i); i++; } while (i

Loops in Java 8

Java 8 introduces a number of new features for loops, including the forEach() method and the Stream API. The forEach() method is a great way to iterate over a collection without having to worry about keeping track of the index. It is also more efficient than using a for loop. The Stream API is a new way of working with collections, and it provides a number of new features and benefits. One of the benefits of the Stream API is that it can be used to perform parallel processing. These are just a few of the new features of Java 8 loops. If you are using Java 8, I encourage you to explore the new features and see how they can be used to improve your code. Here is an example of how to use the forEach() method to print out all of the elements in a List: List list = Arrays.asList("Hello", "World"); list.forEach(System.out::println); Here is an example of how to use the Stream API to perform parallel processing: List list = Arrays.