
Showing posts from April, 2023

Getting Started with the Java Flow API

Exploring the Java Flow API The Java Flow API, introduced in Java 9, provides a standard and efficient way for components of a reactive system to communicate with each other asynchronously, without requiring them to know each other's implementation details. In this post, we'll explore the key components of the Flow API and show how to use them to implement the Observer pattern in a more standardized way. Key Components of the Flow API The Flow API defines four key components: Publisher , Subscriber , Subscription , and Processor . Publisher A Publisher is a provider of data items, which publishes them to one or more Subscriber instances. To implement a custom Publisher, you need to implement the java.util.concurrent.Flow.Publisher interface, which defines the following methods: subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) : Subscribes a Subscriber to this Publisher , returning a new Subscription instance that represents the connection between them. S